Panchakarma treatments Panchakarma therapy makes use of a range of different Ayurvedic treatments. All of these, in different ways, serve to cleanse the body, mind and spirit. These treatments are fundamentally different not only in terms of the nature of the detox, but also in terms of the herbs and oils used, which are blended(…)
A small glossary ABHYANGA Ayurvedic oil massage, carried out simultaneously by two therapists. Part of Panchakarma therapy. AGNI Digestive fire, digestive strength. AMA Metabolic residues. DOSHA Ayurvedic constitution type, translates as: “fundamental functional principles”. These are categorised as VATA, PITTA, KAPHA. GHEE Clarified butterfat. Ghee is the golden elixir in Ayurvedic treatment. The process to(…)
Own production Somatheeram has its own Ayurvedic manufacturing facility. Here we produce Ayurvedic oils and herbal powders following traditional Ayurvedic formulations. The production of medications is GMP certified and is subject to government oversight via AYUSH. The experienced Ayurvedic physician Dr Sundareswaran heads the manufacturing facility and oversees the quality of the raw materials used(…)
Panchakarma treatment at Somatheeram Full Panchakarma treatment with all five cleansing procedures is only necessary in rare instances. Our detox treatment (Body Purification Package) purposely only includes three of the cleansing procedures. Generally vomiting and phlebotomy are avoided. If cleansing by means of induced vomiting is indicated, this is carried out in consultation with the(…)
Origins of Panchakarma As early as the period when the Vedas first appeared, elements of Panchakarma would have been familiar to the authors of these texts (the Rishis). Even during these early days for Ayurveda, there are references to Vamana (a therapy involving vomiting) and Virechana (purging therapy). Dhanvanthari, Ayurveda’s supreme sovereign, is depicted holding(…)
Contraindications for Panchakarma treatment Panchakarma treatment can be pretty demanding both physically and mentally. Consequently, it is not something to be entered into at any time. In fact, for some people it is entirely inappropriate. For instance, for children due to the fact that they are still growing. In addition, anyone who feels physically weak(…)
When is a Panchakarma treatment inappropriate?
Ayurvedic diagnosis At the start of the Ayurvedic diagnosis the doctor will ascertain the patient’s dosha constitution. This forms the foundation for working out a therapy plan and for choosing the correct herbs and medication. Ayurvedic physicians have various tools at their disposal for diagnosing the prevailing constitution. A first indication is given simply by(…)
FIVE-WAY CLEANSING At the heart of a Panchakarma treatment are the five cleansing procedures. These are called Virechan, Basti, Vaman, Nasya and Raktamokshana. These terms stand for: laxative measures, herbal enemas, vomiting therapies, nasal rinsing and phlebotomy. These procedures help cleanse the gastrointestinal tract, oesophagus, respiratory tract and blood vessels of detrimental substances. PREPARING(…)
Today’s lifestyles almost inevitably mean that our bodies are exposed to substances they are not equipped to deal with, or which are even toxic for us. If our organism is overburdened with these kinds of toxic substances, they can begin to accumulate with a detrimental impact on our health and well-being. In addition, it is(…)
Panchakarma: the cornerstone of Ayurvedic therapy The term Panchakarma literally means “five actions”. In Ayurveda this means the five detox procedures. All of these ensure that foreign toxins and pathogens are eliminated from the body. The term “purging” is also sometimes used. This body purification process also restores the doshas to their natural equilibrium. The(…)
Treatments Every Ayurvedic regimen involves a range of different treatments. For your therapy, our doctors will put together a number of treatments specially tailored to meet your needs, which will specifically support your body during the cleansing and renewal process. The individual treatments are primarily distinguished by the relevant medicinal herbs and oils they use.(…)
What is covered by health insurance? Nowadays Ayurvedic medicine is also a recognised therapy in the Western world. Consequently, it has been included in the so-called Hufeland service specification which health insurance companies can use as a basis for settling costs. If you have private insurance or supplementary private health insurance for natural therapies, it(…)