Recipes & tips for the Pitta type Here you will find Ayurvedic recipes that have been specially developed for the Pitta type. The needs of the Pitta type are taken into consideration in terms of the recipes’ composition, ingredients and mode of preparation.
Pitta characters generally have a strong digestive system and can tolerate virtually any food. Nonetheless, the food should calm the fire associated with Pitta; in other words, it should not be too pungent, salty or sour. The Pitta dosha is strengthened by pungent, salty and sour flavours. These stimulate the gastric juices and the body’s(…)
Sweet mild spices, such as mint, dill and cinnamon are considered particularly beneficial for the Pitta type.
THE PASSIONATE HOTHEAD: The Pitta type and their characteristics Fiery Pitta types are distinguished by being quick on the uptake and by their powerful intellect and ambition. These are born leaders, brimming with energy and strength and with a tendency to be perfectionists. Their drive is called passion. Their aim is to win. Pitta-influenced constitutions(…)
Restoring balance to the doshas The aim of our body purification treatment is always to bring the doshas back into equilibrium (functional principles). Amongst other things, this is achieved by implementing the most thorough method for restoring dynamic balance: Panchakarma therapy. This offers healthy individuals plenty of opportunity for regeneration and, for those who are(…)
How are the doshas determined? Diagnosing an individual’s dosha constitution forms the basis for working out their personalised nutrition and treatment plan. Ayurvedic doctors have various tools available to assist with diagnosing the dominant constellation. An initial indication can be gleaned simply from the patient’s external appearance and from the discussion with their doctor. Ayurvedic(…)
The three doshas DOSHA OVERVIEW