Fibromyalgia or fibromyalgia syndrome is characterized by recurrent muscular pain in all parts of the body. Other symptoms such as joint pain and back pain are often accompanied by secondary symptoms such as increased fatigue, insomnia and morning stiffness. The present non-randomised, controlled comparative study, which was conducted in Berlin, investigates the efficacy of Ayurvedic(…)
The study of the Ayurveda therapist Dr. rer. nat. Gianni Alampi examines the effectiveness of Ayurvedic massages and Dhara forehead treatments. Subject of the study was the medical application of Ayurvedic therapy as an alternative healing method. Method 106 volunteers aged 26 to 88 years were treated with Ayurvedic massage and Dhara forehead treatments and(…)
Cartilage degradation in the knee causes severe pain in knee osteoarthritis due to bone friction in the knee. This study, carried out as part of a multidisciplinary arthritis project of the Indian government, investigates the efficacy of various Ayurvedic preparations according to strict scientific standards. The aim of the study was to determine the most(…)
Pathologically elevated blood lipid levels, hyperlipidemia, often lead to vascular calcification and as a result to coronary heart disease, the so-called ischaemic heart disease. Conventional medical treatments are often accompanied by side effects. The aim of this study is to examine the herbal preparation Arogyavardhini vati, which is already successfully used in Ayurvedic practice against(…)
The aim of this study was to investigate the efficacy of Iyengar Yoga in chronic neck pain. A randomized controlled clinical trial was conducted to compare Iyengar Yoga with a self-care neck exercise program. Method 77 patients with chronic neck pain and a pain intensity greater than 40 mm on the 100 mm VAS pain(…)