
Blackgram Thoran

von Bärbel Sandmann, 23. January 2019
Themen: Vata

Black urad dhal nourishes and rejuvenates the body. It prevents diabetes and helps to protect the heart. Furthermore, it improves digestion and boosts the energy level.

Drumstick Theyal

von Bärbel Sandmann, 23. January 2019
Themen: Vata

Moringa is still very unknown in the western world but it has some positive effects on our body. Drumstick lowers blood sugar levels and cholesterol. It is also a potent antioxidant and hence rejuvenates the body.

Potato Avial

von Bärbel Sandmann, 23. January 2019
Themen: Vata

With its sweet taste potatoes reduce acidity and hence reduce possible inflammation in the body. The regulate blood pressure and by relaxing body and mind they can reduce insomnia.

Watermelon Curry

von Bärbel Sandmann, 23. January 2019
Themen: Pitta

Watermelon is a great source of hydration and it promotes digestion. For this reason, they are ideal for weight loss.

Cucumber Kitachri

von Bärbel Sandmann, 23. January 2019
Themen: Pitta

Cucumbers reduce heartburn, acidity and uric acid levels. It aids in loosing weight, flush out toxins and keep the body hydrated. Furthermore, it helps stabilizing blood pressure and reduce cholesterol.

Chickpea Curry

von Bärbel Sandmann, 23. January 2019
Themen: Kapha

Chickpeas are balancing Kapha and Pitta. In combination with tomatoes, ginger and garlic it becomes more Kapha balancing. Chickpeas a great source of protein and promotes weight loss. It reduces inflammation in the body and regulates the Irritable Bowel Syndrome, as well as other digestive problems.

Bush Beans Thoran

von Bärbel Sandmann, 23. January 2019
Themen: Kapha

Bush beans are a perfect remedy for any anemia-related symptoms: It improves blood circulation, regulates blood pressure and enhances heart health. It has a laxative property and cures constipation as well as it calms down the mind.

Bitter Gourd Thoran

von Bärbel Sandmann, 23. January 2019
Themen: Uncategorized

Bitter gourd is good for liver kidney and bladder function. It regulates digestive problems, controls blood sugar level and is therefore recommended for loosing weight. Overall, it is a great ingredient to strengthen body immunity.

Snake Gourd Curry

von Bärbel Sandmann, 17. January 2019
Themen: Pitta

Snake gourd is categorized as bitter when looking at the six rasas. It prevents respiratory problems and relieves acidity. In addition, it supports natural digestion and has a positive effect on liver and diabetes levels.
The high amount of anti-oxidants fights free radicals and improves skin health.

Indian Chicken Curry

von Janine Grundentaler, 23. July 2018
Themen: Uncategorized

Particularly in the cold winter months, strengthening the immune system through a balanced diet is the key to preventing illness. Try the delicious Indian-style chicken curry.

Kamut Spaghetti with Cilantro Pesto

von Janine Grundentaler, 23. July 2018
Themen: Uncategorized

A healthy noodle alternative with tasty pesto. Fresh cilantro supports digestion and eliminates Ama, the metabolic toxins that cause many diseases.

Indian Salmon-Curry

von Janine Grundentaler, 17. July 2018
Themen: Uncategorized

The low-carb dish is suitable for Vatha and Pitta doshas. It provides many important nutrients, while not being heavy on the stomach. Salmon contains important proteins and omega 3 fatty acids. Zucchini is full of magnesium, vitamin C and important dietary fibers, which support digestion.


von Janine Grundentaler, 17. July 2018
Themen: Uncategorized

Cauliflower is a tasty rice substitute, making this dish ideal for a calorie-conscious diet without losing taste.

White Papaya Curry

von adminuser, 29. May 2018
Themen: Uncategorized

Papaya is suitable for all doshas and provides several health benefits. As the fruit is rich in fiber, it helps reducing the cholesterol while its antioxidant property helps controlling premature ageing.

Cucumber Casserole with Dill-Pomegranate-Sauce

von adminuser, 29. May 2018
Themen: Uncategorized

Cucumbers have a diuretic cooling effect on the body. At the same time cucumber, as well as pumpkin reduce the body acidity and are therefore helpful in treating and preventing diseases by balancing the Pitta dosha. Pomegranate supports restoring the Dosha harmony.

Ayurvedic Tabbouleh

von adminuser, 29. May 2018
Themen: Uncategorized

Celery aids at calming the nerves and reducing inflammation. It also helps digestion and balances the entire body. Beans are very rich in dietary fiber, regulate Diabetes and lowers the cholesterol.


von adminuser, 29. May 2018
Themen: Uncategorized

This recipe is perfectly suitable for all three doshas. Actually, rare tomatoes and potatoes are not an ideal food source for Vatha doshas, but cooking them with oil changes the characteristics of the ingredients and makes them easily digestible for Vatha doshas.