Doctor Molly is a humble, petite lady who has experienced a lot in her life. It is immediately obvious that she puts her heart and soul into her professional work. As a child, she already knew that she wanted to become a doctor and help other people. But it was her father who made the decision that his daughter would study Ayurvedic medicine. Now this has become her vocation.
Doctor Molly is instinctively committed to protecting the well-being of the universe, the earth and all its living creatures. This makes her a valuable ambassador for the millennia-old discipline of Ayurveda, not just in her immediate environment but also further afield.
After her studies, she consolidated and built on her knowledge in various different locations. After several placements in rural areas, she opened up her first clinic. During her many years as a senior physician at a public hospital, she was able to help lots of people. She subsequently decided to commit fully to a single field of expertise that is barely known in this form in the West. Comprehensive care for both mother and child during the critical period following birth is an integral part of Indian culture and one can sense Doctor Molly’s dedication to this area from the way she talks about it. She is, after all, a mother and grandmother herself. Doctor Molly is a very special asset for our guests and for our team of doctors thanks to her many years of professional experience but also thanks to her personal qualities.