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5. July 2019
The Monsoon – The best time for Ayurveda
Q: Dr. Sreelatha, why do you recommend the monsoon season for an Ayurveda treatment? A: Even ancient writings outline the monsoon season to be the best season for Panchakarma treatments. This has diverse reasons: Climate changes affect body and mind. One example is that our skin pores open up faster due to the high humidity(…)
3. July 2018
Principles of ayurvedic cuisine
Interview with Executive Chef Simiyon Q: Why is an Ayurvedic diet so important? A: In Ayurveda the diet plays as big a role as medication and therapy. The body conditions of each individual are different and seeing as one or two Doshas usually overweigh, people have to balance their Doshas through an individual diet. Following(…)