Chavutti Thirumal, or “foot massage”, is an Ayurvedic therapy that is thousands of years old. In this treatment, the patient lies on a massage mat on the floor. The therapist treats the body with powerful, long, harmoniously flowing movements using the sole of their foot. During this process, the therapist stands on one leg and holds onto a rope for support. The free foot is then used to massage the whole body from the hands to the toes.
By controlled use of their body weight, the therapist can access deep muscle layers as well as the internal organs. This boosts blood flow, promotes the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the muscles and invigorates the internal organs. It also stimulates detoxification and purification processes. Stiffness and tension in the locomotor system are reduced and the body’s flexibility is restored.
This whole-body massage is extremely invigorating and restores vitality.